Welcome to empcontracting.ca Inc. the official website of Erik the Craftsman.
In 2025 I will be a 32 year trade expert
providing services as per my business card - in your hand or see below! Contact me any time. We have a line up of custom homes that are very nice and able to ship anywhere in the world for final build. I will build them myself anywhere in Canada and prices reflect that please go to empcontracting.ca for pre designed custom home & building packages deliverable anywhere, My personal experience has been in the full building spectrum and I price fairly keeping the expectations of quality and Canadian building standard in mind when pricing - and are apart of quotes and contract policy - from stucco to amazing kitchens, bathrooms and renovations. Click here to request a pricing online!
Contact erikthecraftsman.ca for quality work with references across Canada
as far as the high North including the Alaska Highway where I have dangled under bridges building not only connecting the United States of America member to member, but also indigenous communities and members and Canadian inhabitants to food, medical and emergency services.
Personal and project references and the evidence of my teams work spans Canada over 5600kms of straight as the crow flies from London, Ontario to Whitehorse Yukon, Territories to Toronto, Calgary, Winipeg, Grand Prairie, Watson Lake, Bears Paw, Canmore, Banf, Stratford, Ontario cause I bin every where man - Vancouver, St. Johns. Currently operating out of London, Ontario and able to price for full house builds anywhere in Canada!
Canada is my heritage birth place, I build right here!
Sorry guys it doesn't just happen in three "bad" you tube videos and 20 minutes asking the supply guy that is supplying not installing how to do plumbing or flooring! NOPE! Good way to cause your occupants, and/or family health complications including but not limited to; strokes, skin disease, long disease, kidney failure, asbestos, lung cancer, eye irritations and cancer and death, even with the over use of WIFI / cell, we are now introducing a new set of issues, memory loss, brain tumors, lowered sperm count, and more death down the road save money now by paying to do it right! PLEASE! Call me I can point things out, SAVE YOU MONEY, by doing a consultation and setting up a game plan, by educating you on what your property needs to become a better safer investment!
Contact me, Erik the Craftsman to ask questions! Click here!