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Anomalies of greed and celebrity cell WiFi danger- 23 December 2019 Erik The Craftsman

skull and cross bones should be added to wifi and cell net


Dearest Fanshaw college;


This is unedited letter please don’t mind my spelling and grammar as I become dyslexic from to much screen radiation – but want to get this letter out while it is fresh in my mind. I am posting it at and will edit it soon – my dyslexia is really in essence a fine tooth “danger is near” radar system.


My name is Erik, aka Erik the Craftsman.


I am very blessed, mysteriously as the living bible speaks to me so does God through anomalies, some about violent related dangers, other of environmental things and acute poisonous dangers coming from small poisonous things marketed in the Canadian environment.


I believe I have been blessed with a divine answer regarding weather or not I should attend Fanshaw college for an architectural course.


In knowing I want to, but now not until a serious issue is addressed from a scientific, defacto point of view.


For a long time I am mulling over the choice of college, university or the mix and Fanshaw with its great prices and high employment rate of post grads it makes sense for me to go to you guys for some education especially since I am living at and doing some work at my Ma’s house in East London, Ontario.


Funny to the exact time that I start writing your faculties about getting into a program or two with you guys I get several shifts to work on campus with a respected company in the city pior to making any contract or payment promises for courses with your school.


My job is easy, nothing to serious no big story on that end, well maybe to the sports people who use the gym.


I got a job with SPS, the owner is a pretty good gentleman who provides flooring services to your gym faculty. I started my first shift at 815 am on December 19th 2019 and polished the floor of the big J building gym with a three man team. The job is easy so I am paying attention to many things while I am both on the polisher and on break enjoying the corridors of your campus.


I have quarries with building construction right now, one major one came to not so good fruition when I was on shift last Friday. It is your wireless infatuation.


My shift was pretty good but I was noticing dirty energy around me, me being sensitive to unusual stuff often getting laughed at even from my own family who knows my special needs still gives me grief when I give dire warnings to people. Some have even died that I have interacted with over the years and given warnings.


Your corridors are full of radiation, they made me sick while on campus. I am a tougher then leather construction pro, Iv bin dangled over high ice in the spring on rivers in extreme cold weather to peg under-decks to bridge pilons for construction projects in the high north on the Alaska highway – you don’t get any tougher then me if I am complaining about comfortably take note.


After my shit that ended at 330pm on Thursday December 19 I came home and all my symptoms of dyslexia where firing, ADD, ADHD, and memory recall dificentcy.


My memory is very sharp, I am very smart man with very high IQ but when my “spider sense” is going, I at 39 years old know how to read my symptoms and diagnose very serous environmental problems. At home mom was irritated cause I couldn’t hold a conversation with her after the shift at your school. As well I couldn’t remember the names of my crew and I was experiencing sickness, I knew it came from something on your campus.


So Friday we did another shift working in the gym and I was experiencing similar feelings, and a fuzziness I can say with out a daught coming from radiation build up in your halls I believe from the bottom of my heart from your broad band wifif and the hundreds and hundreds of wifi products blasting the concrete corridors with wifi/cellular radiation.


After the second shift I had similar symptoms, I don’t know if quite so bad.


Saturday came and I didn’t get any symptoms. That is what is leading me to believe it is broad band wifi that is causing my irritations being on your campus. I had a list of things to diagnose to make my decision including;

  1. thoughts of the chemicals we where using

  2. Maintenance room drain gasses, or moulds

  3. lighting

  4. air system and moulds and fungais

  5. random moulds and fungais on posters, or sound dampener ledges or trusses

  6. wifi / cell system


On Saturday, there was virtually no students using there laptops in the hallways, I didn’t see hardly any one with cell phones, although there was a volleyball tournament going, the volley ball players, funny note, seemed to not be all over using there cells much and I assume where not logging into Fanshaw Student wireless routers and those cell tech portals.


That is the mitigating factor in my diagnosis. The proof that I didn’t get sick at all thow around the same chemicals and around the same rooms, except the one maintenance room with the drains and sink. I wasn’t around that room on Saturday at all, but as well I didn’t feel that fuzziness that I get around ultra high bandwidth usage through cell/wifi around me, once so ever.


The wifi on Thursday and Friday was being used much more I believe if I could have access to your broadband control, internet, security, camera and other systems the proof would be in the data use sql charts.


Because of this I am deciding that I can not attend Fanshaw College at this point nor I can attend any other building with such over use of broad band cell / wifi technology, for any on site activities because similarity to the problems I have had since grade 1 where lighting systems, air systems now wifi - they bug me, and I have evidence that they bug other people as well, I GOT PUNISHED AND BEAT UP FOR BEING IN PAIN - ‘OWE IT HURTS, WHY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?”


This letter needs to be noted. We have technology similarly to the material that I was subjected to in the Yukon Territories, Northern B.C, Calgary and other areas that is very dangerous for us. For years it was blindly put in everything and marketed as the dream fire retardant, today though after whole communities that have mind it on the Casier highway in Northern B.C and global epidemic sized health problems have come from it we now have outlawed it in Canada that is asbestos.


Cell and wifi is the new asbestos – it is major danger! Your school should have skull and cross bones on it, cause you guys are blindly subjugating your faculty, yourselves and worse your students in teaching them that annihilating (asbestos) WiFi, cell technology into there genitals, brain, eye and sensitive bodily members is ok.


ITS NOT - the connectivity of your school is a major topic of discussion it needs to be done differently.


I know my girlfriend is experiencing serious mood disorders, I have linked them to observations of her wifi router in her house and black mould. She today freaked out on me because I fell asleep last night after fasting for 24 hours on the Sabbath so that I can be in communication with God better, this letter is first on my mind this morning as I am seeing across Canada mental health disorders go through the roof, funny to that I see wifi / cell and black mould every where.


My girl and I came together originally to pick up garbage in Calgary and Crislen and I are part of the board committee of she is so sweet and carrying and has told me in her times when she can hold an adult conversation with me that piles of bees are being found around the bases of 5g cell towers in Calgary. DEAD


Calgaries crime has doubled since 2014 TO 2018. Is it really just the rescission? The bees are dying, tough guys are sick, little Canadian woman are mentally unstable.


My hypothesizes is that we are going to see a mushroom effect of mould because the wifi and cell like radiation from the sun to some plants is like super fertilizer, although catastrophic to fish, and wild life Re the Virgin wireless cell tower that went online and several thousand whales beached themselves with in a short amount of time on the coasts of Europe in the North Atlantic ocean, who paid for that? Rogers Canada?, Bell, Verizon? Who is held responsible for those thousands of mammals that feel, sence and hert like us that died?


I know alot about the cell industry, I have had cell phones to my head since 1998. One of the reasons I originally left London, Ontario is because my basic life enjoyments where being squashed by severe nausia and head aches including trips I often took on the Wavel # 7 and Dundas #2 buses between 2003 and 2005 when I was a successful young business man, you can’t say I was crazy, I had many character references and success stories in the community and I love London, my family has been here with or with out me building it for over 50 years and so have my mentors and dear loved ones.


On the buses I could anticipate with in seconds a cell phone call, while going down Dundas around my neighbourhood around Hyburry. When the calls would come in I would get a migraine head ache instantly with in 3 seconds of the phone call – then somewhere on the bus every time a phone would ring.


So sue me, for this reasoning here in I am deciding not to enrol with fanshaw. I will not be able to fully appreciate my 100% abilities while in the broad band radiation caused by all the students and different wiriless usages bombarding your class rooms, gymnasiums and common areas while I try to get good marks .


Here you see how God has protected me, and brought me as possibly a profit of him to warn my country man of great danger, I have been protected by coincidentally 3 days, lol, Jesus spent 3 days in Hell, 3 days to examine your campus as a trusted professional floor guy, before I made the decision to attend your school in a course that would have had me subjected to the extreme wifi/cell radiation exposure of the regular weekday broad band usage.


Crislen and I are both mysterious sensing tools there is folk lore of the old wishbone water finders, people who can hold willow branches with a right and left fork and an elongated midle run of wood similarly to a y and they can find water with that, I am sure there is scientific proof that this is trues, I have herd it but never seen it mostly around South Western Ontario this folk lore exists and people actually do that.


My girlfriend and I are sensitive, her mood disorder flared today and I know exactly why. I believe her broad band wifif router in her home was used highly last night, she used it to do a duo conversation through her cell phone with me, her little sister was doing something and her parents watched a movie together in there room adjacent to her all pumping data through the cell tech of the wifi router. The broad band router is right beside her bed, with in 100cms of her head when she sleeps, and shooting radiation through her brain and other sensitive organs while she is suppose to be getting rest, thus at night with the high exposure she called me paranoid several times, when she new I was exosted from my fast and sound asleep in Ontario. She then woke up and I was typically to every mood point, that I saw the change in her eyes at other times, she accuses me of things that arn’t true, paranoia is also a symptom of brain damage. Boxers and hard strike fighters always get it after they get knocked out. Other times when this happened noticeably once was at Nose hill park in Calgary while her and I take nature walks together. When we hit the 500 meter range away from a cell transmitter in Calgary, Alberta. Other times is when she hangs out at parks in Calgary, noticeable when down range at about 2-500 meters from cell towers her mood disorder clicks in, and the paranoia, and literal black in her eyes starts, like I can grid it, ok the cell net is causing her to have mental health disorders.


I am posting this live on line. Money and material is not a supreme motivator in my life, I really love my natural habitat and after experiencing jail cells of the real sort, I am seeing a comparison to day to day living we are creating and the lack of justice in Canada because of the monetary drive and pompous acts that come from a status system – I see how man kind at this juncture is pressing for a worldwide jail cell living condition as we desecrate our natural habitat in a drive for monetary gain. It saddens me dreadfully. Canada and its beautiful natural areas all in filthy monetary box, paying to park on gravel, nature being hated by the fleshly vesils that need it, pay to go to banff Park ( a proficy is realized from Revelations – time of the great whore), pay pay pay, its all in a box, we can;t just exist any more, we are sick un healthy idiots! Pay pay pay for your own death you idiots. Pay Elon Musk lets blast everything with radiation you are not NICOLI tesla, STOP IT NOW PLEASE! If Nicola Tesla the father of wifi cell, Not elon musk or Rogers Can, if the true Genius inventor was here what would he say about his baby? Would Nicoli Tesla not cry to realize he is just like the oil investors that desecrated his inventions through thuggery – Nicola is a killer when his invention (wifi/ cell tech) is over indulged as well.


Children similarly to the understandings of the effects of alcohol and more notably the stagnations of emotional growth of adulesents and younger from pot.  Wifi and cell can not and should not be around little developing fleshly members, I get horrified when I see pregnant Moms with cell phones rested on their bellys.



Erik The Craftsman

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