What is God's name in Hebrew?
The name of God most often used in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton (YHWH יהוה). It is frequently anglicized as Yahweh or Jehovah and written in most English editions of the Bible as "the LORD" owing to the Jewish tradition increasingly viewing the divine name as too sacred to be uttered.
a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.hSimilar:dissenterhereticnonconformistdefectordesertertraitorturncoatschismaticrecusantrecreantrenegadetergiversatorhOpposite:followerdisciple
Apostasy in Christianity is the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian. The term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia meaning defection, departure, revolt or rebellion. It has been described as "a willful falling away from, or rebellion against, Christianity.Wikipedia-
in fact, or in effect, whether by right or not."the island has been de facto divided into two countries"hSimilar:in practicein effectin factin realityreallyactuallyin actualityhOpposite:in theoryde jure
Black Mold - Stachybotrys chartarum
Note from Erik The Craftsman. I have been studying mould for over 2 decades, the things that it can do are amazing, including cause hallucinations in humans and destroy heavy construction products and materials like steal. I am data basing it, and constantly trying to become a better source of knowledge the below script is from other others and I believe accurate addition to my knowledge and notes.
My studies have spanned the Canadian construction environment including witnessing health problems in many areas of health sceineces and we need to change our stance on problems, again the monetary venue displaces true cures, but giving treatment to problems instead of getting to the rout of problems. My own friends suffering; mental health, kidney failures, diabetes, stroke and anerisms, skin irritations, mood disorders - they are giving treatments more often in the form of pills and doctors don't visit there living habitats. From my observations including that of a very dear person to me we have nero toxic mould in the living environment where vikaden has been prescribed - sickening to me, a heavy narcotic to relieve symptons that I have found to be caused from the presence of nero toxic black mould in my firneds house. The doctor woun't even make a presence there and in that house we have two generations of family members that are suffering similar symptoms. The current medical community calls that heretitary, but the fact is its not 100% the reason here. Sure they have the same molecular make up, being that of the human function and anatomy. To say you mom is pskitzofrinic and you are pskitsofrinic because of her genetics is vast improper statement, or mood disorder and parinia, the trueth is they are both being exposed to the same nero toxic poison. From a Christean scolars point of few, we are in trouble. Canada is not in the idealizm to deal with cheap construction as it is a boxed product at this point. Climate change is rining in very strange issues with moisure, and then we covet our belongings and we hide them in buildings that do nothing but absorb moisture. When the building code is not observed throough the means of poor building educate and bad contravctor habits to save time, and money we have a super growing fecility for the most dangerous thing to humans, brain chemistry changing toxics, accute and un respected. The bible would lead a preast to try and get mould out of a home if the priest with in 7 days can not get the mould out, the home is to be burned. We are not doing that in Canada as a mater of fact the home flippers that blind eye moulds are dispicable. The events that follow home occupants after the instalment of mould spores thus mould growth and the fruition of toxins in to the human living invironement are viloent and turbulant. Time and time again I find mould in homes where people have problems with family. I see a linkage to mould to even the spirit realm. Ya enough on that for now. The mould in homes in Calgary is causing sever mental health issues, I am seeing the same behaviour problems all the way across Canada from my experiences as a successful building contractor right up to Whitehorse, Yukon Territories as well in my school called Juliet in Stratford, Ontario we had the highest reate of behavioural problems, I remember being all the definition of a bad kid; high rate, un able to pay attention, dyslexic, mouldy, that same school years after I was gone was ripped down and destroyed because of the findings of toxic moulds and asbestos. In Calgary as a lead carpenter teaching while I renovated for a tipical general contractor I learned much about the family who sold our company the house we where flipping. The stories from the management, and the reminets of violents in the home was over wealming. Knife stab marks, fist wholes in the drywall, blood in spots, and what else? I found black mould in several of the main living areas adjacent to the master bedroom and adolecent bedroom. I found that very suspicious, in comparison to my already years of research in the fielt. These poor people that family had no clue what really was the problem in the home. the Dad left out of frustration, mom lost control of the kids and ther was violence I don't just link to booze or drugs. They had a serious full source iritent and poisonous danger. Calgary is in bad shape and I am having people listen to my proteictions. All of the places I found problems with customers, I found mould Interesting the crime has doubles since 2014 - 2018 in Calgary. Suspiciously to that, the presence of mould through "cheep construction practice" and climate change is out of control. It is very bad. It not the only area I am seeing severe cases of it, and at the same addresses violent crime.
Stachybotrys chartarum,[note 1] (/stækiːˈbɒtrɪs/ /tʃɑːrˈtɛərəm/, stak-ee-BO-tris char-TARE-əm[1]) also known as black mold or toxic black mold, is a variety of microfungus that produces its conidia in slime heads. It is sometimes found in soil and grain, but the mold is most often detected in cellulose-rich building materials from damp or water-damaged buildings.[2] S. chartarum was originally discovered on the wall of a house in Prague in 1837 by Czech mycologist August Carl Joseph Corda. It requires very high moisture levels in order to grow and is associated with wet gypsum material and wallpaper.[3]
Super Science Stories was an American pulp science fiction magazine published by Popular Publications. Frederik Pohl (pictured) did most of the editing from 1940 to 1943, and the title was revived from 1949 to 1951 with Ejler Jakobsson as editor. Popular gave Pohl a very low budget, and he wrote many of the stories himself. Most of the submitted manuscripts had already been rejected by other magazines, but he was able to acquire stories for the early issues from the Futurians, a group of young science fiction fans and aspiring writers. Super Science Stories was an initial success, and Pohl managed to obtain stories by writers who later became well known, such as Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. When Jakobsson took over, he ran many reprinted stories. Although the magazine was never regarded as one of the leading titles of the genre, science fiction historian Raymond Thompson describes it as "one of the most interesting magazines to appear during the 1940s". (Full article...)
Claims of health problems related to this mold have been documented in humans and animals since the 1930s.[6] More recently, S. chartarum has been linked with so-called sick building syndrome. However, the link has not been firmly established in the scientific literature.[7]
In 1994 the US Center for Disease Control verified that a number of infants in Cleveland, Ohio became sick, and some died from pulmonary hemosiderosis (bleeding in the lungs) following exposure to unusually high levels of S. chartarum spores.[4]
In 2007 the journal Veterinary Forum published an article reporting that two cats had died under anesthesia in what is believed to be the first documented case of black mold poisoning in pets. The cats had been living in Florida in a water damaged home. During routine dental procedures both cats experienced severe pulmonary hemorrhage and later died. Blood tests confirmed the presence of a toxin produced by S. chartarum, and severe mold contamination was found in the home.[8]
There are two chemotypes in S. chartarum, one that produces trichothecene mycotoxins such as satratoxin H and one that produces atranones.[9]
State of the Greed Monger
A state of sickness brought on by the sin of greed. Over whelming peoples ability to follow more hire calling duties like duties of God, country and fundamental business ethics. Seen in the business world, where sever acts of tragedy occur, selfishness, over consumption, lack of guilt when dealing with friends, neighbours and church brethren, causing the over ride of inhibitions to sin on once neighbour, commit acts of crime, treason and once duties to put his country before his own desires for money. For example; when a persons is so sick in the fucken head that they put there logo bostingly over a community that is made up of war heroes, that suffer from the financial burdens of a retarded country (see retard for more info) and they boost about owning Gods land, in a way that brings wide spread anger to them through hatred of the country men that protect them in the events fo war, spawning refolt for the system they take advantage of, in heating there over sized buildings that are empty from the inability to find paying renters from over valued rent fees, that come back out of the pockets of the protecting warriors that are becoming grossly sick with the sight of the boastful idiots that have empty heated properties and outside there country man freeze to death out side and sleep out of the weather in dumpsters.
here in this case we can use Greed Monger and Retard in conjunction forming the phrace "Retarded Greed Monger"
In description this is something not link-able to a persons with disabilities, like mine or some other state of handy cap, but to define the current state of the judicial system, the drive for greed over environment health where we are destroying the fundamental elements of paradise in encapsulating ourselfs as a race in to a jail sell of finacial pressures and environment poverty. In law it is where the laws are perverted to the extent of sin, in such where judges see materialism over truth and justice, bring a pompus factor to the courts that over ride basic human rights "Calgary courts" you can not find justice as a midle class in Calgary, we have lost our way for Canadianism in a city that is drownding in recesion and deabt here by the courts are retarded the lawyers are suffering from retardation! In essence to be chasing justice down the false slope of over priced legal defence where resolve is not found after a common voters finacial power is drained 100% there for the law is not effective, the justice system is "retarded" Another example, an illegal foreigner after murdering a Canadian citizen is given free legal defence on Canadian tax payers monies and on the back of the canadian system, and the canadian tax payer is left in jail for 70 days on a 20 day maximum sentence with deabts to the justice system that did not work for him but did for the killer of the Canadian citicen rendering the court justice, the lawyers and the whole system "retarded"
Other examples of retardation, and retard can be found in the offices of "revenue canada" putting tax payers property on the auction block and canadian tax payers in the street for un paid asumptions of canadian tax deabt, then the priminster taking that monies and flushing it down the toilet to afganistan, to africa, to the purchase of weapons from other countries not have as smart as us all can be used as proper contexts when using the words - RETARDS, RETARD, REDARDED, RETARDATION