What a horrible time to be a fish - The Hallmarks of Evil by Erik the Craftsman December 10 2019
I have been suffering great troubles since coming back to London, Ontario.
My typical escapes are not even a choice any more because of the dangers that come from being in the communities of Canada inebriated, and what inebriation does to me.
I am stuck with my own thoughts, and observations.
Looking at down town London, in comparison to the fish, we have people, they are stuck in their habitat - following their life's routine. People in a fish bowl , looking for food and reproducing and going through life’s ups and downs.
Down town London, you see very very heart breaking panoramas.
To look up at the sky skape we have empty heated buildings, empty heated buildings. When we have Canadian freezing and in the cold, and we have scientists warning of the imminent failures of the Earths systems of life because of global warming, but we heat vacant buildings and homeless Canadians freeze.
What insanity, what a hallmark of evil. The vacant buildings in the city centre are more so vacant then 15 years ago when I was a hungry young business man. I did door to door sales and public promotions and craftsmanship in the city.
To see the same buildings more vacant then there where back then just says “EVIL” to me. It says sadness to me. It says lack of God to me. It says corporate plan to get tax right offs with no care oncesover for the community. I am not scared of this city and its corruptions, I did leave though to get out of the spiritual sludge here that is like sticky mud.
I left and travelled 5100kms to find freedom from evil, and all I found was the same problems of man kind. In the Yukon Territory it in some respects is worse, because the cold and the demons of the North are frigged.
Although I love to swim, in my five years in the Yukon territories I never swam much, my hutches are always good, my fathers instinct that grew with him through two atrocity filled wars. My father was born to the bombing of World War two, and was orphaned at a young age comming into his teenage years, me I was having problems with bullies and behaviour in school, my Dad at 13 was killing soldiers with the Hungarian invention the Multletove Cocktail the, fire bomb of freedom. He was malnourished so even though all my brothers are 6 foot or taller, my Dad was only 5’8”. the Gurillas would tie him to trees above the road ways, his job was to light the multledove s and through them on the enemies tanks as the went buy. Dad said he saw the soldiers on fire and could here there screems. Not what I would want for my kids coming inot journeyr high years.
My instince has blossomed in to a fine sensing tool for the spirit realm as all things on earth can be linked to the spirits, just like our native communities teach, the natives are special and we miss much wizzing down highways in our polluting vehicles.
In Watson Lake behind my home there is The Lancaster flying fortress . I never saw it just heard rumour of it. During the 50’s Watson Lake was used as a winter training facility for the Air force, they had bombing test areas set up. Our military didn’t use much foresight back then and the way for getting rid of very toxic garbage was one way, to role plains out onto the ice over the lakes then watch them sink in the spring. I am sure that was momentary fun for the guys bored up in the frigged winters, but thinking about how huge those plains where, the size of there batteries and the amount of lead and mercury in there paint and parts – what a devastating thing to do, just sink the old garbage plains into the mountainous lakes. Like we have no clue where that poisonous water is coming up.
Before I started to know the stories I had mixed feelings of Watson Lake, the first day I spent at 2.5 mile with my dear Kaskas Nation friends was on a majestic pebble beach in the summer I didn’t spend much time in the water, just not interested for some reason. Off course when living at my Campbell highway home I lived in for two years including 2 very cold winters I had zero motivation to go in the water, my flesh jjust didn’t want to go in, even on hot summer days.
Just imagin how the fish feel, swimming in there habitat and swim into a cloud of alkaline filled water close to that wreck! The pain, acid on your eyes, lead making your brain miss fire, running into things in the water, your flesh and offspring deformed or just dead.
There are so many evils I have witnessed. Growing up in London, and area my eyes where trained to see evil I have to look very closly to see good. But I will be honest it seems over wealming the evils since I have been back, just when I left.
I remember some of my friends that where having issues with normality here in East Side London, talking about how they where swimming in highly toxic water in and around East side London, Ontario, more of this Man get rich stufff. Just like horrid decisions that just decimate the quality of land in our country.
In the Yukon there is alot of problems with things like water, and wood. They used alot of preservatives in the 50’s and so forth, including using Arsnic to treat wood used in living quarters. Not good.
As well espestoes was a favorite flavour in Northern B.C. It was used in everything, textiles, floor coverings, concrete, drywall, drywall stipple. I have seen that in everything everywhere. Sprayed on textures in Calgary, drywall, electrical wiring, everything has espestoes in it, stucco even.
The towns on the Casir high way where weird formations of planes have been seen for many years, some I believe not man kind, and also where they mined espestoes for decades are ghost towns most of the people reportly to me died of cancers over the years.
As well the Alask highway I herd had alot of dumping going on, government test chemicals disposed of, barried by the 60 gallon drum, fields of them, and other things stories I have heard, like chemicals just being dumped like gasoline tanker trucks just unloading into our wet lands. Thos types of stories I have heard of all over Canada. Imagine the animals and fish in those areas where that poison was dumped? Like how bad man, how irresponsible. And my thoughts go to, what life is, what did the dumpers, the truck drivers, the businessman, the foreman gane from that destruction? Alittle bit of money? Like really! A yaught to sit and get drunk on? What really did they gain?
Today back in London Ontario there isn’t any change here it seems like opportunity doesn’t exsist. To see the down town buildings empty, makes me feel oppressed. Like if those buildings where priced to the market at hand, would they not be with in 10% vacancy or even 5%? Something is wrong, like the fish habitat in down town London. ITS NOT RIGHT.
I am thinking on a more wide scale, the oceans are really bad right now, and we must change. The oppression from the “whos whos” in london, corresponds to the level of grossness of our oceans and great lakes, we fall back on an old sin! Its greed.
When migrating back to Ontario and I drove down the trans Canada Highway, East Bound through Winnipeg reminiscing about all the crime through the prairies that I know off, when thinking about my Cree friends that are from Saskatchewan and my Black foot and Maytee friends. Who have done as me travelled around looking for work and a place to create a live for themself.
I drove through Winipeg, I was in thought of the Winnipeg sewer flow waters that have desimated the quality of life around that city and really effected the natives there. I really find it un easing to see a native community in the forests of Canada needing growcery deliveries and bottled water. Like WTF.
I hit Sought Saint Marrie at about 11pm and kept driving. It was excillerating to hit the Forest areas, the rolling highways, and the rain that was comming down constantly brought out the smells. It was fresh and I couldn’t smell any pollution, just fresh corniferous forest. I stopped on the highway for a few hours sleep, then gone again driving in the dark till morning, in and out through the lake areas of our so rich country. Why do we want to destroy it all with pollution?
Comming down the next morning I stopped on a really nice beach, I had driven past the storm cells and they where on my heals again comming over Lake Superiour in the Georgian bay beach areas.
The waves where about 3 feet and rising when I hit one beautifull beach, I couldn’t hold it in any more, with lightning in the distance and heavy rain clouds catching me again I was going swimming.
I found a spot on the sand and took off my clothes and went in the water, it was awsome! Then I took alook at the water. My god, it was like black oil filth, not just from routen bark, it was like filth from an engine, like fuck me. This is what we are doing on this industrialized shit for, to wreck paradise, you fn idiots. It just was like aaaahhh.
I was driving out of Calgary at that point, leaving the stress of man kind there, its an epidemic, so much un happiness because drive for monetary gain. Calgary there is a place called Mayland hights, and a bridge that goes over the free way, it makes me sad to be on top of that bridge. You sit there and twice a day you see the insanity of society, you see the desolation and insanity of our country and the greed that has come from our moulding over time. Calgary is grid locked twice a day. People cut you off when your are merging, I get fingers from the Seeks whering trubans, and I mean turbans are suppose to mean wholly, I don’t believe giving the finger to some one no matter what your religion is is wholly. I just on that, not the seek, but society. That man cut me off when I was walking, he cut off my side walk and parked with his muffler in my face. I am at that point a 39 year old building construction expert, Ive saved kids from homelessness and poverty – this guy had no time for me, immigrant or not, he cut me off then gave me the finger when I gave him a gesture to him as to say, “whats up with that?” him in his 4x4 is better then me and my lungs? He had not time, no time to be courteous – I am a Canadian born, who the hell is he? I have a cowboy habit of gentleman ship, I am courteous and stop. I stop my vehicle, at the least slow it down to let people cross the road.
In reality if someone is trying to cross the road, and they are putting themselves in danger, I have a duty to slow down and be courteous by matter of law, other wise I am putting that person, weather they are right or wrong in danger by not yielding to the safe conditions of the road, thus dangerous driving and me being at fault because of my failure to yield to the pedestrian who has the right of way – why shouldn’t he? Especially if he homeless and delusional, or worse a senior, or a mom with a bunch of kids, or a cripple in low income circumstance who can’t afford a ride.
Getting back to London, wow! Courteousness? I mean you can’t drive at all. My first week here. I drive defensively, I got a 4x4. I always perferd my cars over bikes because of the resulting injuries my friends have sustained over the years, you just you got steal there to protect you in the event of an accident. My first week, people honking at me, making weird gestures like I never bin here before – like ya Alberta plate ok but im from London. One guy was lookin right at me, I am in the intersection on dundas and clark I was stuck, he sommin yellow light I get out of his way, I am going to bulldoze the car in front of me, I go to the left im going in other traffic, so I just easily went then hit my gas as soon as I could to get into the right lane going east, he smashed on his breaks and parked in the intersection right in front of everyone, if I paniced it wouldn’t bin head on collision. I didn’t I take it easy driving, and that day it paid right off. I wonder where he was in such a big rush to go? The music video or soprano ganster movie he had playing in his head of himself? I bet he wasn’t going to stop a nuclear explosion or kids life, nope I don’t believe he had any reason to be driving like idiot.
At other times I stopped traffic stopped my truck to let a crimple cross dundas, people wising by his ass, where are you guys going? Like seriously whats the difference if you are in line at Timhortons or line to let an elderly guy cross the road? I am so sad to see that. YOUR NOT EMS GUYS YOUR NOT THE AVERGERS AND STOPPING NUCLEAR WAR SHOW RESPECT FOR COUNTRY MAN.
We don’t even care about each other. Its so sad, people you look sad. Imagine the fish. The bitter lack of concern for your own country man, what are fish feeling? All the garbage at the big boxes.
Ok lets analyze this, we harvest natural resources, we have an economy dying because of jobs going to the third world and what ever youd call china, I ll call the great dragon, satan ville.
We harvest natural resources, driving and ship them by truck and train to the coasts, they get loaded on big ships then with super huge propellers driving tens of thougsands of tons of thrust, sucking in water through blenders the size of drakes mansion thats propulsion system, they are giant food blenders. The diference though when these ships go through the water like food processors in your family kitchen, when they grind and chop all the water bound wild life into little pieces or the whales just slive ther backs, no buddy eats that food, its just a trail of waste and animal extinction right across the ocean to countries where 1 man, similariy to hitler thinks he should be boss so Chinease make $2.40 American a day, to make; Action vigures, to make toys r us stuff, canadian tire, is it really canadian tire? Wall Mart, Ok Ok lets save the economy every person who has read this far, right now go to Walmart, go to Cvanadian tire help save the economy, everyone forget the gifts made in China mail them back to China, tell them why protest on behalf of the oppressed chinease, I challenge every canadian to go buy christmas gifts that where made by the hands of Canadadians. Let see if you can do it. For the sake of your children and the sake of the common Chineas person, do it. They won’t go bank rupt, but if they can’t leave greed behind, they will fall apart – Chineas are crazy money people, money is better to them then there own people. Like killing daughters? Ya hallmark of Evil, that wasn’t very long ago they where killing there own babies, what are they going todo to us? I guess we do abortions – will stay away from that.
So any ways the poor little china man, and woman LGBTQ’s they live in coven cities, they call them coffens cause thats what they are, they life where dead life, in freaken caufins cause the money isn’t being spent on there lifely hood, and it is being sucked out of ours, when our natural resources are now boxed products, my thought is they are providing now stainless steal, tools clothing that is 1/10 the quality as our use to be its un monitoed. There was even a whole ship found in the Panama Canel from China full of tooth past that was full of lead, lead contains mercury. Mercury and the human organism do get along. So now we have our products being made at 1/10th the quality, comming back now on another maga ship, chopping the whole ocean into a discusting mess, and bring us products that don’t last long. Although we are giving our whole economy to them for cheep below Canadian standard living conditions and horrible polution levels, we some how think we are winning by buying all this stuff that needs to be replaced more often. Brilliant. Its back here now, plastics and cutlery full of teflon, wich your body can’t get rid off similarily to espestoes, the ships are full of clothes made of super pressed cotton, that doesn’t last, and the medels are not pure. I believe this because my tools, name brand stuff they don’t last like they did when I was in my twenties, now I am almost 40 and have a delegate touch. Why wouldn’t they last longer? Same tools that use to last, my moms great uncle then my father, then me, now last 2 to 3 jobs and then I have to replace them.
So when your kids open up there presence this year think about what your really giving them, you are giving them a world that is full of garbage, an economy that is based on credit not paid for by jobs cause there is alot of people with no jobs cause of this formual, you are giving them shitty living in China cause those don’t get what good living and countryman mean together and you are giving them extinctiion of the food from the oceans and your giving them the disapearence of paradise, cause pollution is wrecking God’s gifts of natural habbitat.
My otehr ponder although I have been a mountain, plain and forest man all my life, my big worry right now is the fish on the coast of B.C. What about Japan. Did not the bombing of pearl harbour teach us how messy there thinking is? Like serously they just bombed the US cause hitler called, high on siflis legions and made up some propaganda bullshit. Like this psycho wasn’t have as strong as he was a lier, alot of his dirty work was done’ by bullshiting other countreis. The Japanease just jumped on board and bombed pearl harbour attacking the United States of America, I think that says it all about them. They are all worried about honour and image, what does that say about Japan? Un balanced foreuse. There main power plant has been going for over half a decade with a major crack in the bottom, and it has been leaching so much that the heavy radio active water is showing up on satlite imagery as far as the B.C coast lines, it is actually horribly frieghtening. Like sure Salt renders those radioactive moloculs netral, but only after a certain amount of time. For there economy to be more valueable then the life blood of humanity, the waters and its food, fish, whales, the ecology that brings a part of the cycle of life to the whole meganizm of the world- just prooves we are really really not on track.
The water is desimating the coast of B.C far worse then the oil industry. I don’t want that any more. If we can’t swim in the water because of industry I vote to get rid of industry.
They way industrialization driven my monetary success is leading us down a road of environmental poverty – I say get rid of industrial success altogether – I don’t want to be a drunken idiot on a yaght.
I love fresh water swimming, I love ocean food, I love Orcas. Imagine the fish – like the dolphins, and the whales, that are like us – they have personalities, they feel emotion, and pain for there destruction around them how do they feel? I can’t do it. Today I don’t even want to go to Tim Hortons any more, sue me you can have my truck, its bare bones. My favorite vehicle I ever owned I got for $1.00 I got it off a dying merchant merine in Whitehorse Canada, my big dodge was off the road cause of engine issues, and he gave it to me knowing he didn’t have to much time to live cause he was dying of cancer.
That little B2000 truck gave me more pleaseue going up and down the Northern Rocky highways then any vehicle I ever owned or claim to own.
Any ways I bought a donut from Timmys the other day, and the little pakistani girl who was working so hard gave it to me. I handed the bag back that she handed it to me in clutching the donut in a napkin, I said keep it. Why would I need a bag to go to the table, a sloth like two bites its gone, I don’t need a bag, but the protocol bag it once the bag is over the counter they have to through it in the garbage.
That pissed me off so much I won’t go to Timmy’s any more, and to see line ups of people sitting there idoling, with microwave offens to there heads nucing there sensitive fleshly members and organs by way of wifi and cellular technology, when we have a problems of global warming, the fish are dying. My bible warns, the fish die, man is next.
Before I go here. Lets break this down, the biggest house I ever worked on was 30 000 square feet, massive, there was a Boston pizza style area, just like a boston pizza, there was rooms and houses in rooms, but I was like, really no buddy needs that all the time all by them selfs. Like what is driving people to be in the altra huge houses. Lets look at it. What do they do that is so great? “Ok I am sitting in my house, massive house, I am sitting here, and no buddy cares, I am sitting here and no buddy cares why don’t I just sit out side, why do I sit in a house, why don’t I just sit out side?”
Buildings and homes that degrade over time, become mold and mildew and fungus full and have materials that rote and cause mental health problems from the release of gas and toxins into our inhabitants that are becoming more and more similar to jail cells as we progress to an environment full of pollution and extreme hots and cold, and we strive to build walls around out of feers and lack of ability to enjoy constant weather phenomenon.
I am really happy to be back and see lots of old friends, the city has alot of good people but at this point as the bible says “There is no new sin under the sun.” It would be nice if we loved God more as per the first commandment. I don’t think we are loving him in our horrible stewardship of the earth, nor are we following the second commandment; “Love they neighbour.” it is obvious in our treatment of one another just horrible people.
The was a study that if in rush hour traffic, everyone would just slow down and be courteous the average flow of traffic speeds up because of the reduction of accidents and grid lock.
Doesn’t that make sense? Would that not result in lower insurance premiums in areas? After sweating and stressing to the point of my own health failure I realized when wanting to reach out to make a difference, picking up garbage helped, cutting down on waste like shutting of tv’s and spending time with family face to face instead of on facebook did good, but the real only way to really safe the earth it to learn and live by the bible as it teaches me to live, hence forth me able to be a good influence and teach others.