The wantabies here on behalf of powerful cheap marketing - how to find pros-
Thank you kijiji, what a powerful market place, facebook has great resources as well to sell you so are other places on the internet that have things like free classifieds and really powerful site wide SEO and even organic linking. But pictures are easily copied and fake news is easier then ever to makes its way around the internet. Like the coke dealer that just got out of the pen wanting $35.00 an hour, I am not putting down coke dealers, I just know if you went to jail at 20 and did 17 years – there is no way that you are at the journeyman level payrate today. There is just not enough choices to get construction education or experience in prison. It is easy to type bs into a web site form and copy and past a few pictures and then wola. The other pet peeve I have is SORRY IMMIGRANTS. How is it happening that guys like me are just blindly not listened to? Well the push of the greed monger has decimated the respect of a true master and mentor ship. I have even seen guys that counterfeit everything from building planning inspectors to electrical engineers. That is not cool – It isn’t just immigrants. But for some reason our Canadian Kindness is being taken as a weakness (quote of a dead man) ! Essentially alot of construction quote one of my favourite mayors, “Is being done really cheap.” But that is what it is, really cheep. I don’t recommend it. Society right now is at a turning point. Quality is a real health topic. We need to work as a whole in society, if we are just running like a hurd of animals, busy, and un deceive in construction that makes a major difference on budget.
Hiring a guy that is a better sales man is going to cost on average triple of paying a good guy in the first place. Do your do diligence, don’t just hire on price, hire on integrity, hire on proven, cause even reference can be counter fitted. Ask good questions – get a pro.