Credit cards a comedians joke on Canadian culture – patience and experience a virtue December 30 2019 by Erik the Craftsman
Credit cards a comedians joke on Canadian culture – patience and experience a virtue
My name is Erik the Craftsman. Every time I go to work on my web site as I am a web builder not just a real life builder, and now slowly becoming a really good writer, I am inspired to write another article.
This one I dedicate to Don Cherry. Don is a really good guy and I am now done with paid sports similarly to being done with Credit. Lol sue me. I quite watching paid sports, the firing of Don Cherry did it for me – how can I watch such primitive shit with supper high paid ridiculousness when an elder of our country with such patriotism and common sense is disrespected. NEVER AGAIN WILL I WATCH, OR BUY A TICKET, OR MEMORABILIA. SUE ME! THAT OTHER GUY, I LL CALL HIM THE DON CHERRY WANTABE IS A TRAITOR! YOUR NAME AIN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY WEB SITE!
In being done with credit, as I dig my way out of a whole bare knuckles with very little help, I wanted to write this article for Canadian youth.
The credit card push similarly to the disrespect and LACK OF heading of elders is a catastrophe – its a craze and people ain’t half as tough or as smart as they use to be. I guess this article is dedicated to 2 great men, my Father and Don. Two guys tough as nails, REAL TOUGH, REAL WISE AND SOLID AS THE DAY IS LONG!
They held together alot for youth to learn from; families, marriage and good quality wisdom and patriotism.
We are 30 billion in deabt speaking of Canada as a country in 2020. That to me is heart breaking and discusting, Liberals slap yourself, two times – once for your country and once for the youth.
We have foreclosures across the country, why? People can’t handle and over estimate there ability to manage debt. Then we flush on the Fed level monies to controversial things over sees. I want to see Canadian getting paid every time we donate monies – THIS IS THE FORMULA LITTLE J T. I want to see Canadian food ready to go on to Canadian supply plains like our Herks, I want to see those herks flown and owned by RCAF and our guys paid well for that. I want to see Canadian made building, pre fabbed in Canada by Canadians and our allies at the most, no humanitarian catastrophes, but us – paid to us. Zero dollars going to Al Shabaab or to Taliband – , and our guys superiority in honour and armed to the most modern advantage and respect of everyone, and paid going to protect those assets that are built and manufactured by our country and any payouts coming one time, steight to helpers and apprenticess in afganistan that get the pay cheque not some whore mongering greedy middle man in Afganistan, or Africa or ya the other A wholes who will skim and bully there own country men, like the one guy I know in Calgary. He uses the fact that the Afganistanis can’t speak english against them, and pays $7.00 to some of the canadian refugies and tells them hes helping them!
Please someone tell me why I can’t just cap that guy myself? I can do it! Just not lawfully. But now we see the money flush! I want a patriot act for Canadians!, Thats written policy that makes us rich, by default, rich enough to give, individually, and I want crushing protocol for asswholes that use our generosity for scams– how long have we bin raising money for all these things – here we go, I better armour up now – charity is being whorred and people are using Canadians good will including Justin Trudeaus sence of help and draining us dry when we have Canadians who need help, nation wide.
How long is it going to be? Diabetes is cured -we already know all you need is a south american aboriginal diet to cure diabetes, why are billions being embeseled by charities that take 60 % screw you ass wholes.
As well we have a pompous attitude where my strength is coming from because even at the top, we see very bad decision making Justin Trudeau doesn’t even listen to the wisdom and experience of our top Toronto Cop – I think experience and wisdom of years on earth is more valuable then anything else. I stand behind our cops! I really do, thinking how stupid I was over the years. Don’t mess with the piece keepers for they will be called sons of God! Sorry my solid criminal friends I am not a narc or rat, I love you guys and how solid you are to me, but I can’t stand for your ways any more, I am a son of god and I observe the rules of the land, hence forth my strength to put my name on these writings.
When people come to me trying to steal my financial success from giving me, “oooo a gift” ya ok, that is a real gift paying money to spend my future monies before I even get them, and charge super interest on that – that is not a gift, that is a financial jail cell, and for alot of people grave.
Then you have what life dishes you, the un foreseen bad will and luck. Like me, hitting 2 buffalo in my work truck at 430 am on the Alaska Highway just south of the B.C border. Great I am now a literal retard, ya I am using the word piss off this is my web site. I couldn’t count for almost 2 years after the incident and the RCMP had to dispatch, that means shoot through the heart two massive beasts. The doctor at the hospital, I help build the Watson Lake Medical building where I was treated, 145 kms down the highway from my crash was crying when I walked in with glass sticking out of my face because he and the RCMP believed with my van looking like a guided missile or AED blew it up, there must have been fatalities.
Me, instead of dying, or being ejected into the mountainous ravine and my dead body going down stream through the Northern Rocky Mountains. At that point I did first aid on my self shell shocked from the event after chasing a heard of buffalo down the highway crying and asking them for forgiveness for killing the two biggest males of the pride, probably the biggest brother and uncle – I felt horrible, but was shell shocked fore-sure. I think they both weight over 1800 pounds, I am not sure if not more.
Any ways I couldn’t get insurance to help me. At that point I had a 1 million auto policy, basic insurance so they had there outs on paying my rent and a bit of groceries while I found my thoughts. I had WCB (Workers Compensation Board) Yukon, they said because the accident happened 14 kms into
B.C they where not helping me, and my 2 million General Liability Policy that covered me Nation Wide with a written in auto policy didn’t do nothing, after telling me that they would help if the other 2 policies said no. The 2 millions policy holders excuse was that I couldn’t get my paper work for them in a proper amount of time – like hello. There are two did beasts and the doctor said he can’t believe I am alive let alone walking. Like seriously this is law? Law to f Canadian working peoples. As well there was a wreck people talked about for months and still talk about it, clearly proving I had a horrendous incident, and proving I am a special guy. I herd Talatan Natives call me “Tatonka, the buffalo killer” because of the incident. Why couldn’t I get some help from my insurers? That is what I was paying for, was so I am covered for when shit like that happens right in theory, but no I can’t be trusted by them, nope, or helped – thus a new quarry I have – why do we need insurance for?
Nope, could n’t help a handy cap guy, screw that – they must of thought here is an easy one, the guy has brain injury, our lawyers will beet him, wait beet him he can’t even count, how can he file against us. HaHaHa screw you Erik! So like here I am, struggling, in a community that well just doesn’t get it similarly to the insurance I didn’t get much help and although for a long time my memory was very bad, and my arithmetic was no good – no buddy cared the bills kept coming.
Mix in my routed in habits to drink alot when problems arouse we have a loosing formula for life success, I should have done much better up there, I was doing really good, but calamity happened.
We have a justice system that is money oriented not wisdom and common sense, thus destroying peoples faith in it, and making hate blossom right from the insides, our top heros the cops fight against a pompous corrupt regime that is comparable to any other evil group in history, or gang movie! Here is a joke for you, one line “public defenders”! Hahahahaha that is a funny joke!
So what does credit debt get you? It gets you interest payments that don’t stop for nothing – and the game is excuses – proof, not truth, proof – its insanity, and when the world lets you down witch it will your left defenceless against any attack – including the Satanists at the top, the money worshippers! Is that not false God worshipping? We are in big trouble! The bible says God is a jealous God, even the, oh I can’t say that – I am not an antisemitic, but lets look at the churches are we really holding God up over all else? No we hold money up over everything else! We, humanity all of us!
There is no reason for debt in this country but we are being lead to believe that it is the way to go, over wealming student debt. But if you don't get a job out of university or college when you are hitting 40 people don’t care if you have a phd, but are living in your car. YOUR A LOOSER, based on appearance and stress in your presentation. I don’t have any faith in our formula and this day of “drive through” “over night success” fraud of system attitudes. I rather work with a very small team now cause guys arn’t valuable to me, and for people to come to me and say “I was a construction manager in Pakistan”, but here on Canada's student loans and not giving any respect to the lessons of a real Canadian masters advice, or “I have a doctorate in economics” but can’t even stick around for Erik the Craftsman when 12 trucks of wet cement show up on site, cause they some how in their head are measuring them self's better then the boss who pays $15.00 an hour , just over minimum wage to any one starting out in the industry. Shit I am actually awsome – I pay that to any one no matter what. Great but that is what our country is – people have no respect or patience for any thing concrete. Long term pain for short term gain is not concrete.
I am fighting all the time employees, they have zero respect for leadership and a false sence of security. Educated people have been the worst to me, because they think that 4 years in a class room being microwaved by wifi coorolates to 20 to 30 years of job experience, but that isn’t true. At that point when an economics student is coming and asking me for a job, or a middle aged man is in need of a pay cheque and place off the street cause he has pissed his life away and has “zero credit” to get himself off the street, its red flags to me.
Our country is in debt I am ashamed of it – but put my face on it here.
Going back to Don Cherry, we have a world class mentor now slapped for some very small statement that I think he should be padded on the back for. “Lest we forget” comes to mind it isn’t what he said, but really if people can’t pay tribute to the wars that are happening right now, and the major wars with psycho sifles legion in the brain Hitler, history is going to repeat its self! It is a very dangerous warning, that is not being headed. We want everything right now, people can’t even take a break on Sunday nights to join there young families together over dinner with out some sort of interference what is that? System failure.
I miss my Dad, cause he had patience he built a life out of nothing and he left something for me when he died including an amazing work ethic and sense of loyalty.
Today I regret my credit deabt although am managing it and have it under control.
Mixing in the really distrustful system mechanism and the lies coming from people who can steal your identification credit is very dangerous. As well Calgary and Alberta is an example of credit as an instrument of evil on Canadians. I don’t know how many guys are over weal-med with debt, if only they didn’t max out every single cent of there credit potential in over estimation and forecast of the oil boom, but is the trend of history. You can’t expect every day to be a glorious sunny day, hence forth “Save some for a rainy day” that is a good saying. I think, a second note here! Jason Kenny did good getting rid of the Carbon tax, another time Trudy didn’t listen to his pears, and or mentors – the Carbon Tax is going to be the straw that brook the camels, Albertan back! I pray away my frustration, but really where the hell is all the money going? - your wasting it retards! STOP THE STUPID TAX, LETS REPLACE CARBON WITH STUPID! ITS FN DUMB! Rebates, rebates! Lets stop the rebates ok, lets just give you an actual letsd say 25% and you use it wisely, not flush, flush, flush, then rebate! Like the rebate process cost money! Stop being in efficient if you want to save the world! Lets stop with rebate un efficiency in the government! Lets start not selling of every Crown Asset, lets keep that money, Rogers, Like why not have a Canadian Cell provider, owned by us? Like we pay way more then Mexico for cells – what gives? Traitors, sell outs! Patriot idiots, dumb asses! What where they called class clowns?
As well this presestance to have everything right now is making it so there are no real trade experts, people spend 20 days in a field and are gone for the first smell of a fart of a good other opportunity biting the hands that, fed them, sacrificed their beds and homes, and gave them jobs, just like that.
I don’t know how many guys I have pulled off the street, saved from gang violence and even cleaned my mattress and belonging out of my room and slept on my couch so there small family of 4 could have palace to stay, then they turn on me.
Some one with bad credit is not a good money manager, someone with now money is not reliable.
Hence forth as well I judge as an employer some one that can’t hold their shit together and has over stepped there credit by indulgence and miss forecast of there financial success.
I mean if someone cant even plan for there own future what good are they going to be to my company? They are not going to be good at all, they, not if, but when, will let me down.
Don Cherry I am sorry you where publicly humiliated we need more good ol boys like you, and we need society to embrace the realities of our soup sandwich culture that at this day is really not doing that good. Nope.
So girl at Canadian Tire trying to sell me another credit card, for a small mediate gain, in exchange for long term gain – that is why I told you you are sharing the devil with me.